BuySafe Installation Guide

BuySafe is designed to work on all shopping cart platforms. The graphical elements are designed to ensure that every buyer is aware of the Guarantee. Much like Free Shipping, when you prominently display the value proposition, you will convert more shoppers into buyers.

The installation requires two steps, described below and by installing BuySafe you agree to the Terms and Conditions

Step 1: Seal 

buysafe trustmark

The BuySafe seal is placed on all pages of your website. It will dock in the bottom-left corner of the screen. We recommend placing the code in a global include file. The ideal location for the buysafe seal code is at very bottom of the BODY section.

The buysafe seal expands when you rollover the graphic with the mouse. The rollover is designed to communicate the benefits and provide the end user with easy access to the details of the program.

buysafe transparency

Step 1: Seal Code:

<script type="text/javascript" src="//[store number]" ></script>

Step 2: Guarantee

The Certificate of Guarantee is designed to provide peace of mind after the purchase is made. In order to generate a guarantee, certain required data elements are provided via the highlighted javascript variables shown in the sample code below. BuySafe 

The guarantee code is installed on the page immediately after the order is placed. This is generally the order confirmation or receipt page. Note: Do not place the guarantee code on more than one page of your website.

Step 2: Guarantee Code:

<!-- buySAFE Guarantee -->

<script type="text/javascript" src="//[store number]" ></script>

<script type="text/javascript" >

if( window._GUARANTEE && _GUARANTEE.Loaded ) {

  _GUARANTEE.Guarantee.order = "[order number]";

  _GUARANTEE.Guarantee.subtotal = "[order subtotal]";

  _GUARANTEE.Guarantee.currency = "[subtotal currency code]";




<!-- buySAFE Guarantee -->


The Certificate of Guarantee is presented as an overlay or inline on the order confirmation page to take advantage the "Instant Feedback" feature. This feature will allow you to quantify how your customers feel about you for providing buysafe.